(To see ALL COVID-19 case presentations visit the Topics page)
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The World Health Organization posts frequent updates about COVID-19 on this page: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019. Click on the dashboard and get a map of the spread of the epidemic.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a
wealth of resources, one of which is frequent updates for clinicians in podcast
New York Times article that explains how the Coronavirus
attacks cells in infected people:
Albert Schweitzer 1875-1965
“The idealism that I preach is no nebulous thing; it has stood the test of practical achievement. I am confident that a group of men who appeal without too much fanfare to the generosity of any country for the creation of a medical station in the midst of the most underprivileged colonial peoples will be listened to and will succeed in their plans, especially if they are resolved, contrary to present tendencies, to begin modestly.”